Katharina Miklauz stands in her kitchen and prepares the food for her dogs.Katharina Miklauz stands in her kitchen and prepares the food for her dogs.

The story of PetCo

What began as a wish quickly became a plan

Katharina Miklauz stands in her kitchen and prepares food for her dogsKatharina Miklauz stands in her kitchen and prepares food for her dogs


Katharina and Stefan Miklauz founded PetCo GmbH in 2014 for reasons very close to their hearts. In their search for high-quality dog food for their family dogs, they realised that there was no genuinely good dog food produced in Austria. That changed with DOG'S LOVE. The food is produced regionally where possible with 100% food-grade quality ingredients.


The launch of CAT'S LOVE followed in 2017. As our dog food won over many animal lovers, requests for cat food of the same quality increased. CAT'S LOVE is the answer to this – a premium cat food, made from regional ingredients where possible and with veterinary guidance to guarantee optimum care for all cats.

Eine Katze steht mit einer ihrer Pfoten auf einer Dose CAT'S LOVE Pure FiletsEine Katze steht mit einer ihrer Pfoten auf einer Dose CAT'S LOVE Pure Filets
A can of WOW DOG and WOW CAT and their ingredientsA can of WOW DOG and WOW CAT and their ingredients


WOW joined the PetCo family in 2018. The idea behind it? High quality, regionally and sustainably produced, at an affordable price. WOW offers wholesome dog food that isfree from cereals, sugar or chemical additives such as flavour enhancers and is produced in Austria.The brand is ideal for anyone who wants to feed their pets a healthy diet on a reliable basis. In 2024, WOW expanded to include a cat line with particularly tasty and varied recipes.


2023 saw the launch of PURE NATURE, a brand that offers dog and cat food for both new and seasoned pet owners alike. Great importance is attached to regional products, short transport routes and sustainable packaging. PURE NATURE stands for well-tolerated food that you can eat without worrying.

A dog sitting on a meadow with a can of Pure Nature in front of him.A dog sitting on a meadow with a can of Pure Nature in front of him.